The most embarrassing thing about a photo, bar none, is when a woman sees a photo of herself and she has a thick neck or a double chin. It’s a horrifying experience for any woman. She doesn’t look like that in everyday life, but suddenly when it comes to photos it keeps happening.
Don’t worry ladies, there’s a simple fix for that!
Now listen carefully, this will sound weird and feel weird, but I promise it will work. Keep you body straight and stick your head forward, then tilt your head down slightly. That’s right, you should lean your head forward, it will feel very strange, but it works. You will feel like you look ridiculous, and if someone saw you doing it in everyday life, you would look ridiculous sticking your head out that far. But it photos, it stretches out your skin and gets your chin away from your neck.

Most people have a tendency to pull their heads back when taking a photo. This causes the skin to bunch up and give you that double chin, even though you’re super skinny.

If you stick you head out toward the camera it stretches out the skin and prevents it from doubling. This makes your entire face look skinnier.
Then simply tip you chin down a little (so we’re not staring at the broadside of your throat) and you’re good to go. You’ll look fabulous in every photo from now on if you remember to lean your head out and away from your body and tip you chin down a tiny bit.
Hello, supermodel!
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