So often our hair is thought of as our crowning glory. Which is why we put so much effort into every single day. We curl, we straighten, we force it into updos, we color it, we highlight it, we show it off and work it to our advantage. So of course when it comes to our photo shoot we want our hair to look perfect.

Rule 1.) Always leave part of your hair down. Otherwise you will look like a guy. Don’t look like a guy.
This means if you put it in a bun or ponytail, be sure to leave a few pieces down to frame you face. Otherwise it will look like you have no hair.
Rule 2.) If you have a lot of hair, make sure it’s pulled away from your face so its not falling in your eyes.
I have a lot of hair. I mean Rapunzel-a lot-of-hair. It’s long and thick and always in the way. So I get this one. When I take photos I’m constantly brushing my hair away from my face because it likes to fall in the way.
Use bobbypins to pull a little bit of it back. Or pull it all over one shoulder. This lets your beautiful face shine despite of your gorgeous hair!
Rule 3.) Hair spray. More likely than not we will be outside. Use hairspray, even on an everyday hair style, to hold it where you want it because the wind will mess with you.
Rule 4.) Life can be kind of static-y. And this is okay because have I got a fix for you. When your hair decides its time to stand up on end, we can fix it. This often happens in the winter when you’re taking coats on and off. It’s not a problem. Thanks to a wonderful friend, I carry a dryer sheet in my purse with me at all times. When my hair isn’t cooperating, I run the dryer sheet over my mane and tame it real quick.
Honestly, this works like magic. You should see little kids faces in school when I show them that trick (I’m a substitute teacher too)—priceless.
Rule 5.) Don’t do something you’re not comfortable with. Make sure you’ve tried the hair style about before, you know how to move with it, you know it won’t give you a headache, you like the way it looks and it makes you feel pretty. If you are uncomfortable with it, it WILL show in your photos.
Okay, I lied. One more……Rule 6.) Make sure you have fun with it and don’t stress if it isn’t perfect. You will look stunning, I promise. I will make it happen!
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