Day 4 of National Newborn Safety Week!!
So we've talked about safety, what you can expect from your session, what our studio is let's talk about what happens after your session is over:
1.) You go home and spend time with baby. I go home and immediately start working on your photos.
2.) I go through all the photos, pick the good ones and separate them out. Then I go through those and pick the best of the best. I then start editing and retouching them. It takes about 20 minutes for each and every photo. I fix redness in the skin, remove blemishes, adjust color, and fix any little thing that needs fixing.
3.) I create a gallery for your View and Choose session.
4.) You come for your hour long View and Choose session where you view your photos and place your print/canvas/product order. With your newborn session you can also order birth announcements, Christmas cards, etc
5.) I place your order.

6.) Once your order comes in, I view it to make sure everything is perfect (I will never give you photos with chemical splashes on them, or canvases that are off center or not the right color-if there is a problem, the companies I work with will fix it and send it to me again) and then I package everything up with our special packaging (yay!)
7.) If you have opted for your products to be shipped to you, I will get those mailed out right away. If you opted to pick up your products, I will let you know they were in and you can set up a time to come get them
8.) You will fall in love with your photos/canvases/products, you will hand out photos to all of your relatives, you will have a fantastic time decorating your house and baby nursery, you will want to order more <3
Yes, it's as simple as that (for you anyway...editing takes forever for me!!)
Check back tomorrow for Day 5 of National Safety Week where we'll talk about what to do with your photos!!